Century link has better customer service than you guys. Ive been going around in cirlcles for 5 days now trying to get internet back in my house. You wont even send a technician out to see if anything is wrong because your systwm shows everything is fine. While i sit here with a house of devices that cant even load face book. Ive tried connecting directly through my poe with multiple brand new ethernet cables. The last guy said hed send someone out by monday and didnt schedule a tech. So i call back today and the guy threatens me with a 150 service fee because YOUR modem isnt properly spitting internet. When it does work it will speed test a normal speed but fail to load netflix or facebook. This is an absolute joke of a company. NO supervisors are ever present when you need them nor do they call back. If i had another option for internet id take it in a heartbeat. Im an extremely dissatisfied customer and i will be very outspoken about how ive been treated by this compay.