After living in the southwest part of England for many years, this is the next best thing, if not improved from the original.
Venue: I think they hit the mark with the church benches and the door tables. Its usually pretty busy on the weekends and can be hard to get somewhere to sit. They are expanding this location which is pretty rad news. The candelabra is pretty good at setting the random tone. They music is usually the hipster genre but thats ok for me.
Appetizer: This is by far the best Mushroom Soup I have yet to find in America. Very similar to the mushroom soup you would find in most pubs in souther England. If they could add the fried bread under, it would perfect.
Food: Tried pretty much all the meat pasties. Can't go wrong with the Oggie or a shepherds pie.
Dessert: Best bonofy pie in town. Other then me mums.
I sugest this to everyone!