They are a joke I don't know why they are called solution store. When you go with a problem regarding a bill they don't resolve anything in the contrary they lie to you they tell you what you want to hear just to get you out of the store later on you still get a bill with a massive increased and there is no body to help you. When you buy a bundle they don't tell you that your bill will increase after a year and all of the sudden the year is up and you are charged for things you didn't even ordered. They are dirty people I don't know how they can sleep at night robing people blind cox is the worse when my year is up I will go with direct tv as they are way better then this thiefs. I had them before. When I bought my new house I made the biggest mistake of calling cox. Now I'm stuck with them for another year because if you try to cancel they charge you hundreds and that is how they get you. They are scum of the earth.