Sometimes I feel like I am a bit biased when I rave about the Clark County Shooting Complex having worked there in the past. I make it seem like it is the only outdoor range in Southern Nevada that matters. But the truth is Pro Gun Club is a top-notch facility too. It some ways it is even better than CCSC. You have a little more freedom here. You aren't sharing a range with 100 other people who are all on a strict time schedule. At Pro Gun Club you can shoot when you want and look at your target when you want. At the utility range you can shoot rifles, pistols and shot guns while standing anywhere in the bay should you chose to go forward of the tables. The one guideline, aside from safety rules, is that you cannot shoot your shot gun into the target stands. Shoot those into the burm only so as not to totally destroy the target stand. No problem. My dad and I brought out a varied collection to test out and had a great time. We shot for a while and then decided it was time to cool off. So we drove up the hill to the main building and sat at the bar to have a couple of beers. If that isn't your thing but you still want to take a load off, there is a fireside lounge to relax in. This is a nice lodge like facility with great friendly staff. It is a private club but they do allow the public to come in too. It is well worth the drive outside of Las Vegas to be able to get in a good day of slinging lead down range.