| - This is going to be a mixed review because I did have fun on the ATV tour. The pick up and drop off were great. However, I do feel like we were taken advantage of. During the ride there, they made us sign a standard waiver about getting hurt and another one about not messing with any desert turtles. I made the reservation for myself, my BFF and my son. However, when it came time to pay for the excursion, he (sorry - I can't remember anybodys name, my short term memory is bad right now) wanted us to put it all on one credit card. There were three people, three credit cards. The guy was being really difficult about this, he did not want to do this because it was more work for him. One of the credit cards would not work with his system or something....I will get to that at the end but that ended up being a thing. So, we go thru the lessons, that was great, we start the tour, that was great until my BFF flipped her ATV because of a rock she could not swerve to miss. That's when it started going downhill. They looked at the ATV and were like "well the handle bars would need to be replaced, the fender was bent, the will have to have the mechanic look at the ATV", you could literally hear the cash register ringing up a total LOL. So, they helped her up and said they would have the mechanic look at when we went back to base at the half way point. OK, back on the road. We make it to the halfway point, they assess her ATV and decide to only charge her $20 for the flag that she bent in the flip. Now, we are on the second leg of the tour and my son flips his ATV, and it is the same song and dance. However, when we finally get back to base, they say he owes $120 for his accident. They start stumbling over each other and actually said "well we were not going to charge your friend for her handle bars, we were just more or less giving you a 2 for 1 on the handle bar replacement", but it had already been established that she just needed to pay for the flag. The thing is, they were like you need to pay us now, in cash for the ATV repair. Wait, what? No invoice, I can't price out ATV handle bars? I am just taking your word for this? These were older ATVs, I am sure they have a graveyard full of ATVs somewhere and they would pop off the old handle bars and put on the new ones. ($60 for used bars and replacement here in Dallas). AND, if the ATV was so damaged that the handle bars needed replacing...why was he still allowed to ride that ATV for the remainder of the tour(at least an additional hour)? I felt like a sucker paying them that money but at this time, they had MY drivers license because, since my credit card did not go through, I was told they would hold on to my DL, and on the way back to the hotel drop off, the driver would stop at an ATM and allow me to get the cash out, once I paid the driver, then he would give me my DL back, so I figured if we didn't pay for the handle bars, they would keep my DL since the reservation was in my name. On the way back, we went to the ATM, the driver actually left the other 8 people in the van (the a/c was intermittently working in the van) and walked in to the store with me and literally stood by my side as I got money out of the ATM. The price of the ATV tour was an odd dollar amount, of course the driver did not have change (according to one of the tour guides, they are like everyone else in Vegas and LIVE off of tips) so I am assuming he thought I would not break the twenty and allow them to keep the change. Naw, I already feel super hoodwinked by you guys.
The ATV part was fun, they were really good about making sure everyone stayed together and there were frequent water breaks, It was August, but was not but not unbearable. The medic guy, was really sweet. Would I ATV in Vegas again? Absolutely, just not with them.