I live a 30 minute drive away, but I would gladly make the journey any day of the week! Walking inside this Krispy Kreme was like taking a step back in time! You actually get to watch the donuts being made through a glass partition! So cool! Then you come around the corner and see the menu and the seating. It's just like a mid-20th century diner! There are paper hats stacked everywhere, free for the taking. I wore mine home proudly! The kids seemed to love them too. On the menu, I first noticed that coffee is only 25 cents! WHOA! The donuts cost about the same as competing donut chains, but they're so good, there's no contest! When I ordered my dozen, I made sure to try an abundant variety. I also made sure half were glazed. Mmm! The glazed ones... well, my God! The cashier actually turned around and plucked them right off the conveyer belt of fresh donuts! Coming here was such a nice experience! I would definitely recommend it, especially coming inside to check it out. And make sure you grab a hat on your way out the door. :)