| - From day one, our builder's Chas Roberts installed A/C was not balanced in our one story home. Last month, I discover why. Over ten years, many issues of low freon due to countless leaks. We had purchased the full 10 year labor & parts warranty along with Spring & Fall service. At least three, maybe four coils, were replaced along with many leaks during 10 years. Chas Roberts service was excellent then BUT not now! Recently we replaced our builder's system with a new Chas Roberts sold & installed Carrier Infinity HVAC System. That new system hasn't worked as programmed from the get-go. Here's my opinion: Our builder's duct work installed by Chas Roberts had many issues. Extremely long in a few areas and short in others as it was stretched out too far. Currently they tried to file three claims with Fulton Homes on the duct work THEY installed 11 years ago. All rejected due to age.
The Carrier Infinity system has a single plenum that has several zones connected to it. We wanted one zone to be at 67 degrees 24/7 during Thanksgiving & Christmas. During those Holidays, the outside night temperature is below 55 degrees. The salesperson clearly stated this system would deliver what we wanted.*** Based upon that statement, I figured the compressor must have a heater on it. The truth is, it didn't! The entire system stalled out waiting for the A/C is run but the compressor's low temperature safety switch prevent it from operating = the heat didn't work until that one zone was cooled off. Wanting to place the blame on the buyer, they repeatedly asked me if I thought both the heat & A/C would run at the same time? With one plenum, both can't run at the same time. Maybe that was their way out to upper Management for this sale gone bad?
Chas Roberts blamed me for this entire issue-I expressed an attitude after one month-for that kind of money ($13,464.00) who wouldn't have an attitude? They were annoyed that I questioned their actions. In the end, they removed their system as I did a charge back on AmEx. I purchased a new one zone system from George Brazil-they had to replace the duct work as it was totally destroyed. I can NO LONGER recommend Chas Roberts to anyone since they now have extremely poor customer service, salespersons & a V.P. who does not know or share the correct information on their product, the field staff is poorly trained, + blaming the buyer for any short comings.