The WORST SERVICE I'VE EVER RECEIVED. When we walked in, no one greeted us. I rang the bell, no one came. A woman came up to answer the phone, looked at us standing at the counter and left to go to the back again. That same woman finally comes back 5 minutes later and without apologies for the delay says "What do you want?"
I'd been before so i simply told my gf that this kind of thing never happens here, it must be an anomaly. We sit down, pick at the two pieces of cheese cake she made us buy (can't process credit or debit for just one, you have to buy two). That's too much for two people so we go to get the rest wrapped up.
I ring the bell at the front for another 5 minutes with no answer. Finally she comes back around and as I ask if we can get it boxed up, she rolls her eyes. I'm standing at the counter and the woman gives me un-assembled boxes that I have to put together and get my hands full of cheesecake to put the slices in.