| - If I upload more than five photos of a place, I'm a fan.
If I write "Get this!" on every food photo, I'm a big fat fan.
Love this place. Genuine people working an open kitchen, full-steam ahead, in a relaxed-but-hip ambiance. Excellent service.
Each dish was not only beautifully presented, but also, each dish tasted delicious. Love how they do the salmon tartare with cranberries. They take that salmon to the edge - where it's not so soft as to be mistaken for cat food (major dislike) but where it is smooth, with just a hint of texture. If ever I lose my teeth, this shall sustain me. I'd be relocating for salmon tartare. I've made crazier moves.
Is this pain perdu?! Pain perdu was a not a trick, hiding under vellum-thin pineapple was a treat!
Ouefs mollets did not disappoint - ample mayo in this dish, so venture forth at your own risk. It's worth it.
They take reservations, by the way.