Talk about extremes. This can be the best food or the worst food and there seems to be no middle ground.... I have had ify food there before....but today was a new low...the service was so bad, I won't even comment. Then the food.... the chips were actually chewy, and I mean really so chewy, my teeth stuck fooling ( they were greasy and undercooked)....never had that before... and the green chile was cold, overcooked, and I had to look to find that...meanwhile the tortillas in the enchilada were so soaked in juice from the missing chile that they were very soggy....the rice was soaked with the juice from large chunks of tomato, so it flavored like something between hot tomatoes and cold rice with cheese... it was just flat bad food...and the place was full !....goes to show you. I have had some of the best chile in all Arizona at this place ; these folks hail from the Socorro/Hatch New Mexico area , so they KNOW what is right, but not today....I tried to speak with the waiter..... that went no where......My stomach was so upset by the time I left, that I it will be a long time before I go back there again....very upsetting, because when the owner is paying can't be beat ...Wake-up over there!!!!