Great venue, but usher has almost ruined our night. I was not going to write a review but after thinking about it and seeing how another venue went above and beyond to a help my handicapped mother I decided I had to write this. This past Saturday night my and I attended the Santana concert. My mom had been using an electric scooter all of our trip be decided not to bring it as we had to take a can in the venue. She walls with a cane and it is very clear that she has mobility issues. We are on the second level and took the elevator up. We were greeted by an usher, he looked at our tickets and pointed the section out to is and said you are 2nd row. We started the down the stairs and once we get to the to the 2nd row I see there are no empty seats. I get my mom to stand on the stairs and hold on the railing while I go up to get assistance from the user. The user has dancing when I asked for his help he said I told you 2nd row from the top, not the bottom. In other words he saw that me and my handicapped mom were having problems and he decided just to dance. We got to our seats, with out any assistance I shall add. At the end of the concert we stand in lane to what we thought was the elevator, it was I fact the stairs. Same usher standing right there says nothing. One if the other guest tells is that's the line to stairs if we go straight and turn right we can get to the elevator. Your ushers may need a refresher in guest relations. The next night we went to the Mirage to see Boys to Men. Their ushers went above and beyond to help out my mother and we never asked for a thing from them.