Call Jon Taffer, this bar needs rescuing!! Hubby and I were out for a birthday adventure day and thought we would try it. Should have turned around as soon as I used the womans room. Filthy, smelled horrid, gross. Felt like pressing my luck so ordered a couple of whiskey and sevens. Holy hell...not sure what well they got their whiskey out of but I couldn't even finish it (and that says a lot!!) Hubby ordered hot pastrami sandwich, he said was fine. That was then. Hubby has spent a lot of time in the bathroom since we've been home, that's all I'm saying. I ordered a 1/2 sandwich with cup of their house vegetable beef soup. The soup was rancid tasting. It had bubbles around the edge?! Ended eating my wonderbread Oscar mayer turkey sandwich and haven't had screaming diarrhea yet....You can be a dive bar without being a nasty bar.