I used to come by this place, perfect spot for the college aged type.. but my last visit.... when I was accused of sexual assult!?!?!?! That crossed the line for me.
I can't express in words how much of an issue I have with that, but when I had a security guard separate me and a girl I had been with for a few hours over their speculation, thats one thing.... but the fact that he made a point of making a few smug facial expressions before i left... wow.... how could I not take that as a personal insult. I could care less about being separated. But being tossed into that category of low lifes... how is that not a huge insult to a customer.
I went back to confront them, to tell them that I took issue with the fact that I was accused of such a henious behavior, and they dismissed it as "dude, get over the fact that you're not getting laid tonight"
I'll never go here again. I get the sensitivity of sexual assualt, especially around a college campus, but being through it myself, and being accused of it myself almost brought me to tears...
These employees really need to be educated on the issue if they're to continue working here.