| - I've had halal on the streets of NYC and honestly this place does a decent job. However, it can never compare to the Halal street cart!
Needless to say, this smorgasbord of food is worth the try and is welcoming to have something new in the valley. The plates itself were pretty affordable; $7.95 and up is not a bad deal. I do remember eating like so as a younger man, but I tell I can only handle these kinds of meals once in a year maybe!
I ordered a larger halal plate as it came with some basmati rice, beef, chicken, iceberg, falafel, and topped with their special mayo-like white sauce. I added a small dip of their spicy sauce on the side; and I'm glad I did so cause man that sauce was too spicy for me! Overall, the lettuce and falafel helped with the texture providing a subtle crunch. The chicken and beef was uber tender and soft to the bite. The mayo sauce is what makes this dish pop! However, it definitely was nothing like compared to what I had in NYC; not trying to knock it,but just based on shear experience having to hold a warm plate of food eating on the street corners of NYC. Something about it, but maybe it's just in my head too!
In the end, The Halal Guys is worth the try since it's definitely affordable for a big plate of food and just something different! - Enjoy!