I finally got the chance to be here. Maybe because I've read the reviews, so I had a low expectation about the decorations, and they're much better than I expected. After you walk in, you'll see the kitchen, which doesn't look as clean and tidy as a modern one though. The dining room is filled with three long tables.
I cannot remember the names of those dishes, but I really enjoyed the dish with pork and sauerkrauts. I reminds me what my parents used to cook at home in winter. The pasta with chicken was really tasty too.
There are two minor issues. I was okay without much meat for the dinner, but some friends would prefer to get more meat. Maybe we can talk to Alex about it if we're going to visit them again. The other problem was that because we didn't know what was coming, we couldn't decide how much to eat for different courses.
A father and his son shared the table with us. I felt bad we didn't talked with them much, since it was easy for us to speak our mother tongue instead of English. I hope the son did well in his competition. The father told us that the pasta tasted the same as his grandma's, which showed how authentic the food was.
I really like their food and we had a great time there. We ended the dinner with a friend playing the piano while others singing the song :)