The biggest scam in Vegas! The owner is a real weasel and will stick it to you really good! I took my car in to get a second quote outside of the dealer quote and his quote was double for the same work. When I expressed I wanted a second opinion he flew off the handle and started yelling at me. He first quoted me 900 and when I mentioned after he started yelling that the Saab dealership only wanted half that he got really upset and freaked out- he then tried to drop the price if I would accept his work with no guarantee it would stay fixed long. He then charged me 100 bucks just for looking at it- guess that's his way of scamming you in to his big prices- what a jerk and a thief- hope someone reports him and he doesn't continue to get away with this. The first review of 5 stars must be from them bc no one in their right mind would give this sham a 5 star!!!!