| - AVOID this hospital like the plague. Even if you have the plague, AVOID this hospital. A couple other reviews have called it the worst ever. Believe them. I went in to ER for severe pain in my lower right back. I knew it was a kidney stone as I have had several including three that required hospital treatment, two of which required surgery. In ER I told them what pain killer worked on me. I was ignored and given something else. It did not work, My wife and I both reiterated what works on me. They ignored us and gave me a second pain killer which did not work. After a couple hours of excruciating pain they gave me the pain killer I told them worked on me and in less than 3 minutes I was in significantly less pain. After some tests it was determined that the stone was not going to pass and I would need to have a surgical procedure to remove the stone - TOMORROW! They said they were very busy so they began to move me from ER space to ER space. I eventually wound up in what can only be described as a storage closet at the end of a hallway by an exit door. At one point during the night a nurse did notice that I was STILL on a gurney and attempted to get me a hospital bed. By the time I was finally taken upstairs to a room, the pain killer had worn off and it was obvious I was in great pain. A nurse came in to inject me and for some reason that little voice in my head told me to ask what she was going to inject me with to kill the pain. Guess what. The doctor had told her to give me the same pain killer that DID NOT WORK in ER! I refused it, and this led to a rather heated face-to-face discussion with the hospital doctor. MY stay went down hill - if it could get any worse - from there on. Items to note: When checking in to ER I gave them a complete list of the meds I take. When moved to the hospital room, I gave them the list AGAIN. Two days later after my surgical procedure I asked one of the nurses about my regular meds and she was surprised and said, "You take regular medications?" She got on the computer in the room and located the list of my meds. She immediately went and got some of them to give me. Remember this is two days AFTER admission, and after giving them the list of meds TWICE! This is the first time I have ever had to fight to get released from a hospital. I fought for over 36 hours to get released. They kept coming up with different reasons why I should not leave even after my Urologist cleared me to leave. On my last morning there my right arm, which had the IV, swelled up very badly and despite giving me two injections in the IV the staff made no mention of the obvious gross swelling. I am typing this 3 days after leaving the hospital so I could go home and recover. The swelling is now gone, but the IV entry point on my arm is still extremely tender and it is painful to bend my arm or straighten it out.
Should I ever come down with the plague, I am going somewhere else.