They've done a bang-up job of public relations and convincing the trendy sheep that this is the equivalent of a pizza orgasm. Hmph. It's OK, not great, but it's not like there aren't other wood-fired pizza joints in Phoenix.
By the way, I know real Italian pizza. I eat it regularly. In Italy. So don't give me crap about, 'go eat at Domino's, you don't know good pizza.' I do. Believe me. I cook Italian (tuscan) regularly.
Pizzeria Bianco approaches traditional Italian pizza, so I'd ordinarily give it 3 stars. However I downgraded it to one due to the rude, rude, rude service and how incredibly overpriced it is.
Gotta hand it to Bianco though, he's got a good scam going. I mean, he's really got it figured out. Hype the shit out of the place, bribe/suck up to all the restaurant reviewers who convince the sheeple that you gotta go here if you're 'somebody', brown-nose the local celebrity crowd into coming there (I'm sure they get treated much differently than us peons), make the restaurant too small and get people to spend money at your wine bar while enduring the insane wait for a table. Fucking brilliant.