I called on a Saturday evening to get my cars AC refilled after working on it all day. I was told that they had time to fill it that day. My AC did not get filled that day.
Not because they lied. Not because hey didn't have time. But because when I came in, Shane asked me questions about my install. It appeared that I had forgotten a crucial step, and recharging the AC would void all of the work I did.
They could've filled it that day, not asked questions, and probably made more money a couple weeks later when I had to replace my compressor again and have them fill it again.
While I was in the lobby waiting, I overheard another interaction with Shane and a customer. He offered advice, and helped the customer in purchasing items from another store.
I appreciated Shane showing interest in my install in order to make sure things got done correctly. He saved me a ton of money and time!