I had to pleasure of corresponding with Lauren, the owner, over Yelp. She was extremely helpful and informative. Lauren was able to squeeze me in for a pedicure and full set with Marie last minute, thank you both so much! They seemed extremely busy on the 30th when I walked in. I was seated quickly and offered a water. I had to dock a star because Marie was a little rough with my cuticles, both hands and feet, and had cut me slightly a couple of times. Other than that, I had a great experience. My hands and toes looked great. She did a wonderful job with my full set, all natural looking and not one nail raised. My total came to $55, $30 for the full set and $25 for the spa pedicure. Not bad considering high prices Modern Nails' competitors put out. Modern Nails also has a great selection of nail polish, regular and gel. I can't wait till my nails grow so I can start getting gel with Lauren.
I will be coming back for sure, don't forget to pick up the loyalty card. I wanted to pick one up when I went in last week but Lauren was waiting for the next shipment to come in.