I went there for their st. patrick's day kickoff, and it was terrible. I didnt eat the food, but I ordered a smithwicks and guinness black and tan. The bar tender sank the guinness, and left a head that filled half the glass... then tried to serve it to me. When I sent it back she made an excuse about the guinness coming from a new keg and she couldnt make me another one. Then when I complained again, she went to the back to talk to the person in charge. Out walks some Italian guido who tells me that this is how guinness is SUPPOSED to be poured. Being an alchy, ive probably had a pint at 200 different pubs between the UK and US, and i've never seen incompetence like this. How do you own an Irish pub if you cant even pour a proper pint? Never again will I enter this cheap excuse for an irish pub knockoff.