I wish this spot had some comfier seats instead of pub/stool seats. I have a difficult time getting on the chairs. The music is extremely loud - so loud that you can't hear several baristas recite the bathroom code. After asking to lower the volume level several times, I realized it was futile. Nobody behind that counter gave a crap. I ordered my usual drink plus the crystal ball frapp. What a weak tasting frapp - I was very disappointed. Since Starbucks has the guarantee, I asked them to remake it. The gal advised me that this drink was "made the way it's supposed to be" instead of remaking it. Peaches and cream - not. It tasted like cream with a hint of peach! I was very tired already and just wanted to head home. Honestly I'm not sure if I'll be back to this location. Las Vegas has so many locations I'll have to try more of them.
Not the best experience for a Starbucks.