Awesome menu and even better food!!!
Ordered from here while on vacation in Vegas and the food was great.
Food this place on Yelp and had to order from here. My lady was tired of the hotel food and prices so we got something different. She placed the order and I got the DRUNK NOODLES, spicy 10.
I had never been asked that question before back in California when ordering the DRUNKEN NOODLES but I was excited for this meal. The only issue was that they would not be able to deliver the meal to the room, hotel regulations against double parking in entrance!!! I get it though!
The food did not take long to arrive. It took about 30 minutes at most. After bringing the food up it was time to EAT!
The food was already smelling food before it even opened the plastic top. THAT IS HOW GOOD IT WAS! Once I laid out the food on the table and grabbed my fork I was ready. BOOM....spicy spicy and sweet. Not sure what other spices were added but the places that I have been to in San Francisco do not even match this spot!! The level of spicy is CRAZY good. Seriously, if you like spicy then this place when get it POPPIN all off in YO MOUTH!!!
Great dinner, great meal, fireworks of spicy flavor in my mouth and belly!
#spicy #hot #wickedgood