To say I'm disappointed is an understatement! My friends and I ordered a birthday cake for a 50th birthday party. The birthday girls daughter and I researched all kinds of cake and found the perfect one. She sent pictures of the cake to Kiedrowskis with a few changes we wanted Red frosting and no bow. We were very excited to choose this bakery from all the wonderful things we'd read on line and who doesn't love a snoogle from Jamies. Imagine how disappointed we were when we got to the party location and saw what was delivered. First of all it looks nothing like what we expected or paid $125 for. That frosting is NOT red. I'm not sure where the extra cake came from or why but it's not attractive at all. I was still hopeful it would taste amazing. But it did not live up to expectations at all. The chocolate raspberry dry. And the Barvarian cream had very little flavor. We'll stick to snoogles and Donuts from now on.