Do you want to deal with neighbors who can't control their dogs and listen to barking every hour of the day? Do you want to be accused of violating your lease when you've done nothing wrong? Do you want to deal with mold? Do you want to deal with crappy appliances, electrical, etc. constantly having to put in requests for maintenance? Do you want to scrub hard water stains and buildup because they're too cheap to keep water softener maintained? Do you want to pay for an overpriced apartment that's only worth maybe half of what it's actually worth? Do want mid-lease checks where staff members go through your things?
If you do, then by all means rent from Oakview! As for me, I'm done after four years and only stayed this long due to financial problems. I'd rather live homeless in my car than ever rent from these people again. Avoid any Colonial Management properties, especially those in Sun Prairie.