| - There was no doubt in my mind that I needed to watch Hunger Games: Catching Fire at this theater. Unfortunately, I didn't plan THAT far in advance, but was still able to land 3rd row center seats for a Sunday showing. I tried to compare the pictures people posted to see what my 3rd row vantage point would be. Of course, when we got there, we immediately started playing with the reclining seats. 3rd row was fine if you recline your seat all the way back, but I wish I got 4th row since my neck did strain after awhile. 1st and 2nd row are definitely way too close, at least for the DFX theater we were in. At the beginning of the movie, a mumbling teenager tried his best to tell us the rules of the theater (no cell phones, no talking, etc), but he was really bad at it and the crowd was definitely letting him know it - I felt really embarrassed for him! Also, when we tried purchasing food, I tried ordering the "Dibs" Nestle Crunch ice cream. It took forever to explain what it was to the cashier even though it was right behind him, and then he had to flag someone else down to ring it up. Aside from the bumbling teenage workers, the whole experience was otherwise painless. Despite the futuristic reclining seats, the rest of the theater is bit older and on the edge of "run down", i.e. the bathrooms and the arcade. This theater is definitely a great option if you don't mind driving out here and don't want to waste your time getting to a theater early to catch opening day/weekend of a new release. I'll definitely be back for that next great must-see movie.