The panhandling is out of control at this location.
While in the drive-thru, a bum, (or hobo, take your pick) will sneakily wait for you to roll down your window as you approach the speaker box. Then, before you can place your order, the asshole interrupts your well prepared sonnet about a number three and a diet coke asking for money. How fucked is that?
This caused me to roll up my window, (like any good American) relying on my overly tinted windows to shield me from his view.
Unfettered by my sly window moves, he simply refused to shoo.
This caused me to roll down my window and bust-out my best Spanish where I warned him to move away from the vehicle. I even said it like a cop to scare him.
Sadly however, the only thing I know how to say in Spanish is "Cuanto de su hermana?" or loosely translated, "How much for your sister?"
It worked.
He probably thought I had the crazy or something...who knows.
Eight pieces of chicken will cost you ten bucks.
It's pretty tasty stuff.
PS. I also know how to say "Esta mota es mierda" (This weed is shit)