| - My daughter has been a patient there for over 3 years now.
In retrospect, I would have gone to a practise whose hours show more concern/respect for their clients. The bulk of patients are in middle/high school and have working parents. (Parents with jobs that are necessary to pay their fees.) Monday to Thursday 8:30 - 5:30 doesn't cut it. My daughter has missed an inordinate amount of school as a result. She goes to a magnet school in the city and this has become a real problem for us. Not just due to regular visits, but "problem" visits. If your child breaks a wire, breaks off a bracket, too bad. They will NOT make themselves available ANYTIME outside of their normal limited business hours. (Look boys, you spent years in school. You spent big bucks earning those degrees. Now you want the rewards. Weekends off. Call your own shots. - I get it. But newsflash - you are in a SERVICE BUSINESS!!!! You now have two orthodontists on board. EXTEND YOUR HOURS!!! Even if only for those kids who need to come in for an unanticipated, but necessary visit.)
As for quality of care - Up until recently, I blamed my kid for all the problems with wires and brackets, because she isn't as careful as she could be. But boy did that change today. Hey, I don't like throwing anyone under the bus, but this needs to be stated.
The orthodontic assistant was sending my kid out the door without fixing the problem she came in ther for!!! Really??? What a mess. - Hey, I assume she has acces to notes from the previous visit?? Knows what was done at that last visit??? Damn. A family discussion followed.
Cut to the summary - some of their techs are good. Some not so much. I don't believe this was an islolated occurance and I DO believe that at least 1/4 of those unplanned for visits were due to some less than stellar work by a tech.
I also questioned the "change of approach" with regards to the use of this weird semi-permanent appliance they use for treament. (Forget the name) I honestly wasn't sure if they no longer felt it was necessary, or they just wanted us "finished" and out the door ??????
Credentials are only one part of what you look for. Having your best interests at heart is just as important.