| - It was 8am on a Sunday morning, my poor pup kept licking her teeth and it looked as if she was shivering, so I stopped what I was doing to see why she was acting so weird... she had broken her k9 tooth. I freaked out and got on Yelp to find the closest vet that was open (I honestly thought everything closed on Sunday- but who am i kidding... this is Vegas- a city that rarely sleeps). Gave them a call and hurried over there. When i got there, I filled up some forms, and got placed in an exam room where I waited. Dr. Colon came in, he was very knowledgeable and understanding. He took a examined her, explained to me her pain level and what to do/what not to do, and gave her some meds. He then recommended a root canal to save her tooth vs an extraction. An extraction would have cost nearly $400ish. Root canal cost a little more, but it was well worth it. They don't do root canals here, but he did recommend a great dental specialist- Dr. Emily who does root canals for way cheaper than what other vets charge. We ended up paying $700 for a root canal, which is about nearly half of what the other estimates we've gotten from other 4 or 5 other vets in the Las Vegas area. The only downside was that Dr. Emily isn't from Vegas- he travels all over the US to perform these root canals, and he only travels to Vegas once every 6-8 weeks. I'm extremely thankful that Dr. Colon recommended him and just as thankful for Dr. Emily because there was just no way we could have afforded the other prices we've been given (However, Dr. Emily performs root canals at Tropicana animal hospital, not here). My pup's root canal went great, and she's good as new. The moment we picked her up, she was back to her happy, hyper self.
The exam fee cost $40, and her pain medications cost $26. They have a 10% military discount, but it didn't apply towards her medications.