This is where I come if I want my ass to fuckin explode.
It's Vegas, its a dam buffett and sometimes buffetts are cheaper then the restaurants. Not the case for this one, its worth paying more to go to a restaurant. Worse buffett I been to. Small selection, and OMG the food was all terrible. I know at some buffetts some food can taste like its out of the box, or it rubbed up against the oven, but dam this is terrible.
Sushi is all bad, the rice was mushy, chinese food tasted like it was the bottom of a burnt barrell, pasta was like canned food, american food was over cooked or just tasted like spoiled ass. The salad bar was probably the only safe thing to eat. Their desserts is even worse. I had a slice of apple pie and that tasted like plastic. I had the worse after experience and spent the rest of the night in my hotel. FAIL!!!