Has a nice variety of ladies, women of all sizes. Slender or Curvy (my personal favourite). I only come once in a blue moon though. I'd have to be super loaded to want to come more than once a month.
The drinks are overpriced, about $10 a pop but you need a beer or something in order to get a lap dance so be careful, once the alcohol sets in, all inhibitions are quick to leave the building. I understand why they do this from a business standpoint but I find most of the waitresses unfriendly and they will not return if you don't tip them.
One things for sure though. Four words: Full Contact Lap Dance! The thrills you get from these lovely ladies will truly get your juices flowing but be warned, once you have one lap dance, it might be next to impossible to say no to another one. You could be spending $100 by song 5. Pretty costly, but you get your kicks so if it's worth it. Have your fun! Just be courteous and respectful. No one likes a party crasher!