| - "Can we PLEASE send Papaya King ... back to New York?" Vegas yelper, Nelson Q.
A NYC institution since 1932. The nostalgic remembrance of a NYC local, "when I was in high school, this was the cheap eats hangout". The great Julia Child (1912 - 2004), claiming it was the best hot dog she ever had. Could we please have a current endorsement??? Maybe something from, oh I don't know, this decade?
1. Bone dry buns. Beyond day old. Bite and crumble.
2. Canned toppings (cheese whiz, "chili", fluorescent green relish and pickles, ballpark yellow mustard, not so sour kraut).
3. Absolutely nothing special about the dog. It's no Casper, Miller, oh heck, it's not even Nathan's or Pink's. Nothing makes it stand out. No great spice blend, no smoky character, no snappy casing, nothing. It's just a mystery meat in a tube found at your local ball park.
The curly fries are good.
Meaning no disrespect to the great sausage crafters of today but speaking of nostalgia, anyone else remember 1988, The Great Outdoors? "Hotdogs! You know what they make those things out of...Lips and A------s".