Writing a review about a taco shop seems a bit stupid at first. I mean tacos are tacos right? Honestly no they aren't. There is a huge difference between tacos (or any dish really) you eat while drunk and those eaten while sober. The magic that makes a 2:30am meal taste amazing is mysteriously absent when you return with your wits about you. Herein lies the difference with Fuzzy's. I will not go into incredible detail but suffice to say that they have cured several of my usual taco pet peeves. The first thing they have done right is to put the grated cheese on the bottom so that it can melt into the meat and not just fall off. Many of the menu choices can also be had with feta cheese on top. Secondly they have gone away from the trap of "super spicy for no reason". Trust me that is a good sign. Ask the Creoles and they will tell you the relationship between camouflaging spicy and terrible tasting ingredients to make something edible. Instead they have chosen to used a garlic sauce that brings out the flavor of the meat rather than masking it. The final thing is that the shop owners have kept the prices very reasonable. If you go I recommend the huge iced chalice of beer.