My experience was HORRIBLE. I almost regret even purchasing a table. I went in with my WELL BEHAVED toddler. A woman bombards him and LECTURES him about how he has to look with his eyes and not touch (I understand that but as an adult she could have spoken to me) Instead she made my son cry. After that I was about to leave but I spotted a table at an ok price. I had to HUNT this lady down to even ask about buying it. She kept blowing me off! FINALLY I asked the woman if there was someone else around to help me with a purchase. That's what finally got her attention. I followed her to the front to pay and asked if they could hold the table till the next day so I could bring my husbands truck instead of paying a ridiculous delivery fee. She replied in the SNARKIEST tone, "Well you have to pay for it in full we don't do any holds." Thank you Mrs Obvious. The next day, I had my father come along to help me load the purchased table up, two other women with the same condescending attitude where talking about me IN FRONT OF ME! "Well no one even called to say that they were going to be picking it up.""Why wouldn't they call?""That's so rude." HELLO! IS IT AN ISSUE I WANT TO PICK UP WHAT IVE ALREADY PURCHASED? NEVER AGAIN!!!