Why on this, you're website , you charge me $6.99 for enough tea to make 3 GALLONS but when I go to your store you try to charge me $1.50+ per tea bag each time I refill my cup with hot water is beyond me. Panera can act like they care about people all they want, but in the end they lack morals. I understand you need to make a profit however, I know for a fact that by selling a cup of tea you make more than enough to allow the customers 3 teabags on a visit and still make a profit. . Just like the Paradise bakery across the street, the only two places I've left a yelp review, the Panera family of companies doesn't really care, they're just an over priced fast food company trying to ride the coat tails of actual companies who care about providing quality products and services. http://www.wildflowerbread.com/flower-shop/