| - I wanted something soupy the other day so I stopped by for a quick bowl. Can't recall the last time I was here, but I'm sure as heck don't ever remember seeing anything with a warning IE Spicy Ramen with a Vengeance. Hehe well okay then, YORO motha-bitches!! For plan B I ordered a side of pork belly as well because im down, but not THAT down.
I'd opt for the shio version but between you and me it makes no difference. You won't be able to taste shit after the 3rd bite anyway. How were the noodles cooked? Better yet, how was it even possible that none of the ingredients weren't disintegrated? Long hair don't care at that point. The only thing i was thinking about was the lesson the next time my brain decide to have something soupy ever again. Bitchass. I did managed to finish the bowl; however, i didn't go as far as pouring the rest into my eyes. Down but not that down. Besides, i was seeing shit already and my butthole was already loosening up. +1 on the chopsticks for coming through tho. They held their shape rather well even after all that abuse.
Since I couldn't taste I'll just tell you it downright smell like bellybutton lint. That's right, reek of fungus and bacteria. Doesn't sound too pleasant either does it? Don't believe me? Swab your hole prior to ordering and see for yourself (For you "outies" out there find someone with an innie and ask for a sample). Then tell me IF IT IS VENGEANCE YOU STILL SEEK?!!! *hi-yah!!* Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad, but for sure it wasn't any good BY FAR!
I'd never doubt it would've been really, really spicy, but i was expecting some glorious flavor along with it. Instead i was presented with a bowl of pure chili oil, noodles, and other fixings; soft boiled egg, nori, ground pork, char siu etc . A normal person would have died already, but your boy came through to tell you it's not all that. Rather it's the Miso that makes Sora a respectable Ramen-Ya in the valley. But not vengeance. Nothing good ever comes from revenge. Not even the spike in weight reduction was worth it.
*protip* Poop at home for the next 48hrs if you can. Also buy some odor spray for your feet because they will be handing out roundhouses all day long!