| - This review is also for the food festival that is held at the Monastery. Apparently, they have this fundraiser once a month and funds raise go towards paying the mortgage of the temple. At least that's what one of the members told us when we visited this past Sunday. I had heard about it from a co-worker, who kept ranting and raving about the food here.
Unfortunately, I showed up around 12:30 pm that day, which was near the end of the days events and they were wrapping things up and were already out of several items. I now know for the next event that it starts at 9am and runs until 1pm. You can bet that next month I will be there at 9am sharp, bright eyed and bushy tailed!
Despite being tardy to the party, I still snagged some great food! They were selling skewers/ satays for 1.00 a piece! I usually prefer chicken, but all they had left was pork. Thats okay! I bought 20.00 worth!! They were soooooooo freaking good! Also we got some Pad Thai as well, for just 5.00 for a large heaping serving in a Styrofoam container. All of it soo , soo yummy! People were so friendly and outgoing here! I truly can't wait to come back next month and score some more yummy Thai food!
Plus I enjoy taking in the sight of the Temple itself! I didn't see the inside, but the outside was very impressive!
I'm sure I'll be updating this next month, possibly to a 5 star...but I guess we'll see..
till than, its definitely a solid 4 stars for great food, solid value, and friendly people all for a good cause..