| - I live in the neighborhood, so I really wanted this place to be great. So much so, that I had a bad experience and went back for a second bad experience, and then a third. Well... three strikes and you are out.
On a positive note, the food is fine. Not stellar, but fine. And kids under 10 eat free, which is nice. The menu states that the burgers are 10 ounces, which can't possibly be true. Maybe 6 or 7? Not 10. Fries are served sparingly also. The menu selection is ok for dinner, but pretty heavy for lunch. Aside for a few salads, it's all burgers and big entrees. Offering some good sandwiches would go a long way.
The main problem we've had is with the service. Three visits, 3 different servers, and they were all terrible. There's never been any more than 2 or 3 other patrons in the restaurant when I've been, and service has been unbelievably slow each time. 10 minutes to get waters, another 10 to get drinks and place orders, 10 minutes to bring blue cheese for my wings while they just sat there getting cold. My soda was refilled out of a pitcher of flat soda with mostly melted ice. Even on a jam packed night, these are things that shouldn't happen.
Servers have very little knowledge on the menu. There's no beer list, and no one can tell you what they are. One server had no idea if the filet sliders were ground beef or actual filet. There is always something they need to ask someone else about in order to answer a question. Lastly, the check out process happens on tablets, which is fine, except all three times there was problems with being able to pay via credit card instead of cash, and a managers assistance (and another 10 minutes) was required.
You can pay for billboards and advertise at all the UNLV games you want, but if you can't provide decent service, you're never going to get people to come back.