Commercial services here seems to be a black hole with their correspondence email not being able to reach their own people when it comes to information requests. It would be nice if they could get and use their email and not waste the time of numerous people. It would also be nice if they would actually give us a person to talk to, someone we can build a relationship with, instead of a correspondence email address for everything that gets sent.
WF (commercial) sends letters asking for insurance information and financial statement information. That information gets sent to the email address they provide only to be followed up by more letters stating they have not received financial statements or insurance information, for which they are re-sent the same information to the same email address, which is double and triple checked for accuracy, they give on their correspondence. Thus - the black hole.
We go through several iterations of this exercise wasting my time and the time of my staff and other staff around the office. Next come the phone calls and VM messages stating they have not received the information. Each time we have to respond.
This has to be one of the most frustrating exercises in patience and professionalism when dealing with a company that's so big it loses almost everthing they get sent and then waste their time and money (and the time/resources of the company I work for) tracking down information that has been sent to them several times already.