| - After a few days to consider what I originally judged as just a mediocre experience at Canter's Tivoli, I'm now angry at being severely over-charged for an inferior product there. Today I bought essentially the same order at the Bagel Cafe and paid nearly fifteen dollars less for a far superior product. Canter's sells this weird, very un-deli like, thick cut dry corned beef for twenty nine dollars per pound. Today I got a pound of excellent thin sliced, familiar, 100% deli corned beef for eighteen dollars and change. Canter's pickles were soft and soggy, Bagel Café's were crisp and fresh. Canter's cole slaw smelled and tasted bad - bad enough to go right into the trash. Bagel Café slaw was fresh and tangy.
The Canter's order cost fifty two dollars and change, vs. Bagel Café at thirty eight dollars. Both times I've been in Canter's thy have been virtually devoid of customers while there's always a wait at Bagel café, never a good sign. In fact, the day I was OVER-CHARGED BY A MILE the employees literally had nothing to do until I gave my order. I have NEVER seen a deli like this. The corned beef was wrapped loosely in just a piece of paper that had spilled in the bag on the drive home, and I could have made jelly out of the terrible pickles. I don't usually leave negative reviews but I was hugely disappointed with Canter's and people need to know, based on an honest review. When I heard they were coming to Vegas I was really looking forward to it based on my positive experiences at their Los Angeles location. If I could give these guys zero stars, I would.