About three years ago when i moved here Princeton Club was over-priced, yes but it was close to my house, had an indoor track and I just accepted for what it was because that is all i knew. Flash forward to today and the free weights and dumbbells in this place are so old you might as well be lifting rocks. They have a receptive selection of equipment that always seems to be in disrepair and i don't think their existing cardio has seen a tune up since the day they bought it. However, you will sometimes see what i suppose are maintenance people tooling on them from time to time but it appears to be for show because their cardio equipment is in horrible disrepair and never gets fixed or replaced; but hey, they refurbished their painfully flat and non-cushioned indoor track and keep redoing their sauna. Holy cow is this place a dump, and also greedy as hell too. They raised their dues for existing customers and I normally would not have an issue with this if it looked like they were actually using the dues to keep the facility clean and up to date. In Denver i belonged to 24 hour fitness. I paid after a three year deal only 100.00 per year and their equipment was as fine as public gym can get. There is absolutely no excuse for this plus the place is unsanitary even for a gym so we will not be renewing our memberships.