Do you like excessive amounts of cheese? Do you like to receive food faster than you could ever imagine possible? Do you like things that are awesome? Then you will love Jet's!
Jet's pizza is delish through and through. The crust is chewy and soft and there is probably about 7 pounds of mozzarella on each pizza. I agree with Faith's previous review that it is "greasy like crazy", but I'm pretty sure that's what makes it so darn good! The Jet's bread is mighty good also. Tons of cheese, same chewy crust and some delicious seasoning that puts it over the edge. My favorite thing over all though is probably the crispy, crusty cheese on the edges of the pizza. It is awesome. And as if delicious pizza wasn't enough, they deliver SO FAST. Call on a Friday night and it's there in 30 minutes. Crazy. The prices are also very reasonable for the level of awesomeness. Overall, Jet's is a delight.