If you LU-LU-LUVVVVVV Pokè then skip the poke burrito bowl places and go to Pokè Express!
Okay, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I don't want all that fancy stuff that comes with a pokè bowl. I just want the rice and lots of pokè. #dontjudgeme
Maybe that's just the island boi in me...
You can choose your poke of choice and there is quite a few choices. They have shoyu, garlic, sweet chili, wasabi and oyster sauce to name a few Pokè. But they also had Tako Pokè (octopus) and some seafood Pokè style choices. I always get the Shoyu Pokè and then I'll pick one other to try which I mix up every time I go there. This is probably the most authentic Pokè you can get that taste like how they make them in Hawaii.
The fish tastes as fresh as you're gonna get being that we live in the desert.
Not only do they have Pokè but other Hawaiian treats that you could pick up and won't find in your local super markets.
Definitely give these locals a try because they do not disappoint!