| - Bombay Indian Grill is one of those places that turns its city block (without much else on it) into a feast for the senses. The spices alone floating out of this place is enough reason to head on over. And generally the food is pretty good, my only complaint is that I've gotten what I think is food poisoning from this place twice (namely, I'm 100% a-ok prior to the meal, and then about 30 minutes to an hour after, I'm sick as could be!). That's not always been my experience, but it has a few times, and I think it's something to point out.
One of my favorite things here is the warm, toasty (and yes, buttery, like all good ;D) naan. I mean, I'm pretty sure it's everyone's favorite. They do a Tiki Marsala that's ahhhh-mazing, especially with the rib meat chicken that's tucked inside it. So good!
While I agree with some of the other patrons, the service can be a little lackluster, the person who owns it is truly nice.
The restaurant is spacious, and well maintained, but, unfortunately it's starting to show its age. It has been quite a while since they've updated it (I'm not sure it's ever been updated, to tell you the truth).
Regardless, if you're a fan of the Indian cuisine, and have an urge for a Marsala or a Curry, you should check them out! On their best days, they're amazing! Unfortunately, on their not so best days, you might expect a problem or two. =X