If it were possible to leave 0 stars I would. Coincidentally the last time I was here the service was beyond poor it prompted me to leave a review which I don't typically do, but decided to give them a second chance. Fast forward 2 months later and sadly nothing has improved. We placed an order 35 minutes in advance knowing their service is substantially slower than most. I arrived 45 minutes later and it took 3 people to search the back and could not find the 2 bowls that were ordered. I then replaced my order and waited an additional 15 minutes which isn't bad compared to the 25 minutes we waited last time. Even midway of preparing it they realized they were making a smoothie, not a bowl... It was Father's Day and our time is limited so for them to not make this process any easier, we will take our business elsewhere. It's disappointing because I really do like Nektar's product but this particular location is not a mere reflection of their company.