| - This place is the bomb. The whole atmosphere is pure mexico street joint. Let me set the scene for you. The first thing you'll see is a guy selling bootlegged DVD's in the corner (allegedly). There's usually little kids running around grabbing coke refills and putting more quarters in the jukebox, which usually blares loud, authentic mexican folk songs. There's an industrial strength jet engine fan in the far corner of the restaurant doing it's best to cool off all the patrons wiping sweat from their foreheads. There is a tiny window where you place your order, and the entire wall around that window is composed of the menu with photos of food. The food isn't great. About what you would expect, but just as good as any mexican street vendor down in central Mexico. Lots of lard, salt and gristle. But it tastes soooo damn good! What I like best is the salsa bar, complete with all you can eat escaveche. You know, the pickled jalapenos, onions, carrots and cauliflower that make me salivate just thinking about it. If your order sucks, just pour some spicy salsa on there or better yet pour some of that vinegary escabeche juice over your dish and before you know it, it will be perfect. Your best bet is probably the carne asada taco plate. Make sure to get a cold beer to go with your meal, so you can get your mouth really burning hot, and then cool it off with the cold beer, and repeat that process about 30 more times. Pure heaven.