Ever done meal prep before? Not like this you haven't!
If meal prep had a tournament of champions, this place would be whoopin some serious A all the way to 1st place. The food is full of amazing flavors. The Korean beef bowl, the boy Blue (lean steak salad with blue cheese crumbles, nuts, potatoes, dried fruits, and a honey mustard sauce)...BRO! I DON'T EVEN LIKE HONEY MUSTARD and that's like my favorite thing ever! The Salmon Cake! Turkeyaki meatballs!
Why the hell have I been cooking straight up lean bland chicken breast at home? Smh. After my friend told me about this place, tried it out, that was it. Been doing it for months. I don't even work out anymore and I'm still doing it. Just a good way for me to balance my bad eating with some good eating and not get to out of shape while I'm not lifting right now. My girlfriend doin it too and her clothes fit so much better. She's looking amazing. And it's not even like we're doing "meal prep". It's more like we're gifting ourselves delicious conveniently packaged and delivered meals everyday. I don't think we'll ever stop. Everyone should be doing this.