I am a Las Vegas native born and raised 3rd generation and I am just extremely exhausted at the way the nightclubs here treat young black women. Granted there is a major issue with prostitution in Las Vegas but not every black girl is a prostitute. I am assuming that's what they thought when they denied me service last night because there couldn't have been any other reason for them to tell me " we are private property and I'm going to have to deny service to you today"... What? I looked pretty decent, not overtly sexy, But sexy enough for a nightclub. I have money, when they first told me it was $40 a person I said I had no problem then after they heard that they just flat out refused to let me in. I am a successful working model so I know I am attractive. But, I do not use my appearance for gain. I am a down-to-earth successful person who would like to have a little respect in my home town and not be treated as a criminal because I am an attractive black women. I have ran into this issue way too many time here in Las Vegas and it is time for a change. Oddly, any other state I have traveled to, about 40 states total, I have never had a problem getting in anywhere. Yet, my own home town I can barley walk the strip without being carded and having my information ran to check if I am a prostitute. This has to stop! Thanks 1 Oak for making me feel completely inadequate. I hope you feel good about yourself. Oh and to add insult to injury they made the black guy come tell me I could not go in. LOL I bet he enjoyed that. It's really sad that there is racism still in 2013.