| - I REALLY wanted to like this place. I love trying new Brazilian Steakhouses when ever we travel. We have been to Fogo De Chao, Espetus, Texas De Brazil and a few others. I had read many many positive reviews and couldn't wait to try. I won't go into the whole what the restaurant looks like and such.. I will break down what I did and did not like.
Likes: Cheese Bread, Brazilian Sausage, And that is honestly it..period.
Dis Likes:
Tiny salad bar.
Every meat other then the sausage,,,all the beef was WAY overdone, and had little to zero spice/flavor,
The Servers & waiters ALL had either HUGE attitudes or they acted like they would rather be anywhere other then there. After requesting the sausage several times and it not coming to the table I asked for the check and my waiter rolled his eyes and said "I thought you wanted sausage" "I did 20 minutes ago" All of a sudden I had 3 yes 3 gauchos with full swords of sausage at my table.... talk about feast or famine.
I was also told that the new management made changes so there was no longer any chicken hearts, No Shrimp and No Grilled Pineapple.
So basically the management diluted down the experience to please the average dull palette, tisk, tisk, tisk.
In a nutshell if you enjoy REAL churrascaria's this is NOT the place for you, however if you don't know the difference you will probably like it.