| - Beyond awful. My girlfriend and I attended their presentation as "guests" of her parents with the promise of a free breakfast. We suspected what we were getting into, but had we known...
First of all, they'll tell you it's two hours. It's not. It's 3.5.
They'll tell you it's no pressure. That's a lie - it's worse than buying a car.
They will not give you any information on price until the last minute, after you've already invested your entire morning.
They'll guilt you into making a snap decision without any time to think it over. "This is a today only deal" "We've put our best foot forward for you today, do you think we can give away all of these things tomorrow? Next week?"
Honestly, the initial sales pitch made it sound appealing. I would consider investing IF I was given breathing room and a week or two to reach my own decisions about whether it made financial sense. The high pressure "MAKE A CHOICE" sales pitch was appalling.
The worst of it was when my girlfriend's parents (who don't have English as a first language) were trying to say no, my girlfriend spoke up to try to explain why they were refusing. Our representative (Marilyn, I think her name was) turned from friendly gossip into evil witch in the blink of an eye - "excuse me, but you aren't the two on tour here. I'd appreciate it if you kept quiet." She was snarky with all four of us for the remaining 15 minutes, giving us a sarcastic verbal backslap when she finally left as well. APALLINGLY rude.
What does that make "guests" then? Furniture decorations? I make more than enough money to invest in your "ownership" if I feel like it's a good choice, and now I don't because you are rude, condescending, and belligerent. The initial salesman giving the presentation kept calling us "kids" and "children" as well. Man - we're 24.
Icing on the cake - after we said no to Marilyn, and THEN the senior salesman she brought in, my gf's parents were given a survey to fill out. Mid-survey the guy flips the paperwork over and starts trying to sell to them again. Come on, just let us leave.
Positive: the guy at the check-out counter handing out the gifts was friendly.
STAY FAR AWAY. It's not worth the freebies.